Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Tuesday 26th February

Kia Ora all

Today I have been out at Swanannoa learning about how to teach PE. It was an awesome course and I learned many cool games and ideas that I will try out on you.

It was great to meet your mums and dads today at the Meet the Teacher meeting. Tomorrow I have more meetings, and I am looking forward to finding out more about you.


This is on tomorrow. It will be a fantastic day. Any day that we get to do sport is a fantastic day.

Remember that there are extra house points for those entering as an individual. There is even a gold, silver and bronze medal for the 1st three placings in the 8yr boys and girls.

See you tomorrow ready to go

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Wednesday, 20th February

Kia Ora all

Today we had our first official 'desk tidy'. It was great to see that many students needed only a minute or two to straighten things up.

Imagination Portraits

Here are some of the completed art pieces that are up in the classroom. We will add more as they are completed.

Super talented students

Today we were fortunate to witness some amazing Highland dancing by the talented Brook. Without music, and oozing confidence Brook had us clapping a beat as she danced around the room.

Here is a picture or two of Brook in action.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Monday 18th February

Kia Ora all

Today you should have received 3 notices: [1] Room 5 week 3 newsletter [2] Run / Bike / Run notice and [3] Mathletics notice with student username and password.

A copy of the Room 5 newsletter can be found in the notices and newsletter section.

Today we had a chat about what makes a good listener.

Students came up with the following ideas:


         Focuses on the speaker
              Thinks about what they are saying
               Uses sensible body language
              Asks the person to say it again if they don’t understand

    Here are some pictures of good listeners, facing the speaker and showing interest.

Community award

Today at the Kauri team assembly each class teacher chose one student who has consistently shown outstanding community in their class. We are very proud to award this certificate to the wonderful Hailey. See if you can spot her below.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Friday, 15th February

Kia Ora all

Today we worked on our TREATY for our classroom.

We discussed and agreed on a variety of expectations that will help us to get the most out of being in Room 5 in 2013.

Some of them we are doing well with, others need a bit of work. But then that's the point in having a treaty.

On Monday we will discuss the consequences of not following our treaty.

Here is a photo of the treaty.


This is our CARE value for term 1. We are really going to focus on this. Below are the community values we agreed on, in the form of red leaves to go on our Kauri tree.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Wednesday, February 13th

Kia Ora everyone. Welcome to the new room 5 class blog for 2013.

We will be sharing our learning with you here, as well as keeping you up to date with what's happening in class and at school.

Learning Plan

Since we started we have been working on our Learning Plan. This is where we work on establishing the procedures and expectations that will allow us to make this year a success both in learning and personal development.

If you go to the top of this page you will see a tab labelled 'Learning Plan'. Click on this to see what we have been up to.