Learning Plan

Welcome to the LEARNING PLAN page. 

Here you can find pictures and examples of our learning plan activities that we will be working on over the first 3 weeks.


For this challenge we had to construct a 'free standing' tower made of spaghetti, marshmallows and jellie babies in 10 minutes. We worked together in teams of 5. We had 5 minutes to discuss our plan and then 10 minutes to build. At the end of the 10 minutes we had to let our tower stand by itself.

It was a challenging exercise, but only our first attempt. During the term we will have another go. By then we would have given our designs much thought and consideration.

Two teams tied for the tallest free standing structure - 16cm. One team of boys and one of girls. We look forward to the rematch.


We have been doing a range of team activities to build up our class spirt and we realise that we all have to work together to make 2013 a successful year.

One of the activities we did was hut making.

We first made teams and then decided where we would build our hut.
We then got all necessary resources and got down to the business of making our hut.

To be successful we needed to communicate, listen to other students' opinions and compromise.

When we were finished Mr Forman took us photo of us inside our hut.

Because it was so cosy in there we decided to have our lunch there.

Here are some pictures of us in action.


  1. Great work room 5! Loving the spaghetti towers! Have a great time at the fun day this afternoon!! (Lydia's mum)

  2. Had a great time reading your blog this morning. Fantastic to see that you can have lots of fun and learn at the same time. Way to go Mr Forman and Room 5!!!! (Neihana's Mum)
