Welcome to the MATHS - ADD/SUB page.
There are 3 addition / subtraction groups at present. Each group is working at a different level. Each group will have number a knowledge focus or two, and a strategy focus. You can find view these in the table below.
Previous strategies completed
Future strategies
WALT - solve addition problems by counting from the largest number first
Largest number video Guide sheet
WALT - solve addition problems where the change is unknown
8 + ? = 11
54 + ? = 59 etc
Counting back video Guide sheet |
WALT - solve addition problems by counting in tens and ones
Adding tens video Adding ones and tens video Guide sheet WALT - solve subtraction problems by counting back in tens and ones Subtracting tens video Subtracting tens and ones Guide sheet |
Current number knowledge
Future focus
Strategies completed
Current strategy
| |
WALT solve addition problems like 28 + 6 by adding in parts [ 28 + 2 + 4 = 34]
Adding in parts video | ||
Current number knowledge focus
Future focus
| |
Strategies completed
Current strategy
Future strategies
WALT solve addition problems like 28 + 6 by adding in parts [ 28 + 2 + 4 = 34]
Adding in parts video Guide sheet |
WALT solve subtraction problems using tidy numbers
WALT solve addition problems by jumping up a number line 37 + ? = 79 video WALT solve addition problems by jumping up a number line 29 + ? = 63 video 23 + ? = 71 video | |
Current number knowledge focus
Future focus
| |
Today Maddison spoke with Grace about what she likes about the maths grids, and how it benefits her learning.
Addition and Subtraction strategies
Room 5 has 3 maths groups
Circles, Triangles and Squares (Square + are extension students)
Each group is at a different level and learning different strategies.
However, some students are more than capable of learning strategies from the next level up, and some also need to revise previously learned strategies.
Below is a guide to what students have learned, are learning and will be learning. This begins with a list of the strategies for each maths STAGE. Students in year 4 are expected to be at the middle to upper level of EA.
So AC = Stage 4
AC/EA = late stage 4, early 5
EA = middle to late stage 5
EA/AA = late stage 5, early stage 6
AA = stage 6
YEAR 4 students are expected to be at EA in order to be 'at' standard
Below is a list of the strategies for each stage, with video and powerpoint links.
I appreciate it is a little different from how we did it. Please note that these are strategies to solve maths problems, they are NOT the only strategy. Students need to learn a range of strategies, and choose the more efficient.
The good old way we learned of 234
+ 145
is still a strategy, and should be taught.
AC = Stage 4 strategies
Counting on the the biggest number first 3, 66 --> 66 + 3 = 69
Change unknown 4 + ? = 7
Counting back to solve subtraction problems 12 - 3 = ?
Adding tens 14 + 30 = ?
Subtracting tens 37 - 20 = ?
Adding ones and tens 23 + 32 = ?
Subtracting ones and tens 37 - 15 = ?
Missing ones and tens 32 + ? = 45
AC/EA = late stage 4 / early stage 5
Making tens 6 + 2 + 4 as 6 + 4 = 10 + 2 = 12
Compatible numbers 3 + 4 + 2 - 6 as 4 + 2 = 6 so 6 -6 = 0 (3 are left)
Subtraction in parts 14 - 6 = ? as 14 - 4 = 10, 10 - 2 = 8
Up and over tens 8 + ? = 14
EA = Stage 5
Adding in parts 8 + 7 = 15 as 8 + 2 = 10, 10 + 5 = 15
More comparisons Tim has 14, Steve has 18.
How many more does Steve have?
As 14 + 4 = 18, 18 - 4 = 14
EA / AA = late stage 5
Saving hundreds 286 + ? = 400
Jumping the number line 29 + ? = 63
Don't subtract! Add 54 - 29 = as 29 + ? = 54
AA = Stage 6
When one number is near 100 - add 55 + 98 as 53 + 100 = 153 ( + - strategy)
When one number is near 100 - sub 173 - 98 as 175 - 100 = 75 ( + + strategy)
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