Kia Ora all
Welcome back to term 4.
Today was spent getting back into the groove of school life. We did a desk change this morning. Given it is term 4 and our self-management skills have developed much from term 1, students chose where they would like to sit.
To support teamwork at our new seating arrangements, today we introduced 'Class Dojo' an ipad app that allows you to show group points. We have 4 new groups (table groups): The V8s, The Captain Underpants, The Breakers and The NRLs. Points are awarded for various expectations and also for table quizzes.
Today's quiz tested understanding of TIME. For example, " How many minutes in an hour?" "How many days in a fortnight?" "How many weeks in a year?"
Today's victorious team was The Breakers.
Here is a screenshot of what the display looks like.
We also went to the library and chose books for our daily silent reading. We also chose a collection of fairy tale / narrative books for our classroom library - seen as we are going to be writing one ourselves.
For writing we worked on our draft reply letters to our penfriends at Kingswood Junior School in England. We hope to have them published and ready for mailing by Friday.
We also popped out between rain showers to practice our sprint starts and baton changing in preparation for the Kauri Athletics Day next Wednesday (23rd).
Congratulations to Scott, Courtney, Natasha and Charlotte on receiving a matheletics certificate.
Congratulations also to the super talented Courtney who attended the National Trampoline Championships at Napier Boys High School during the holidays.
Courtney shared her certificates with us today and told us about the school. We took a look on Google Earth.
We are very proud of Courtney and her achievements. Well done.
See you tomorrow
Mr F.