Monday, 25 November 2013

Monday 25th November

Kia Ora all

Today we began preparation for our student led conference. We will continue this tomorrow so we are ready and confident.

Today a number of awards were handed out.

JADE won the year 4 Mathletics trophy, being one of many Room 5 students who obtained over 1500 points last week. Congratulations, Jade.


MADDISON was the Room 5 recipient of the EXCELLENCE certificate for her leadership, perseverance, and working hard to achieve her goals. Well done, Maddy.


LINDSAY and MYA received their SW Zone Athletics Championships certificates for the sprint and long jump respectively. Both Lindsay and Mya are off to Ashburton next week to represent Oaklands and the SW Zone at the Canterbury primary School Athletics Championships.


And here it is, for the first time - ALL students receiving a mathletics certificate in the same week [ 1 Gold, 2 Silver and 25 Bronze].

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Swimming Pool Opening

Kia Ora all

On Friday we had the official opening of the school swimming pool. This included a free sausage sizzle, an official opening, activities organised by the year 7 students, and, of course, a dip in the pool.
The temperature was a warm 28C.
Here are a few pics of the day.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Year 4 speech contest

Year 4 students will be competing in a speech making contest. If fact, the year 4 students are actually doing a recitation of a narrative text. Each student will give it a go. There are 4 texts to choose from; students need to choose 1.

To help you help them, click on the link below to view the scoring rubric - we will be using this to score students and help choose the 2 students from Room 5 that go through to the finals.

                                                  Click here to view the rubric

1000 point Mathletics challenge

Kia Ora all

One of our goals this week was for every student to earn at least 1000 points. We are just about there; only two to go. Some students have made it to 3000 points which is a massive effort.

In fact, we are currently 20th in New Zealand. We were 15th yesterday and hope to get back up there tomorrow.

Well done, Room 5.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Monday 19th November

Mathletics Gold 

Today we say' Good on you, boys' to Scott and Lindsay who earned a GOLD certificate last week. 
This week our challenge is for ALL students to earn at least 1000points.
We had a big session on mathletics today and many are closing in on the 1000 point target.

 Here are Scott and Lindsay.

Narrative character trait posters

Here are a couple of examples of the posters.

Our success criteria are:
Title             - about 1/6 of page
Pictures        - about 1/3 of page
Character trait words around picture - large size, spelt correctly
Sentences below picture                    - lightly ruled lines so writing is straight, Neat and spelt correctly

Extra --> For greater impact
[1] Use dark coloured marker (eg permanent marker pen) so words stand out
[2] Add colour for enhance visual impact

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Character Traits

Today we began discussing our narrative story characters and describing their character traits.
We first used Melahkye's characters, Hulk and Thor, to practise using some more interesting adjectives.
We then went to work on our own characters, choosing a range of traits and giving an explanation as to why we choose these particular traits.

Tomorrow we will work on the art work of our narrative, making a display to put up in the classroom.

Here are the 'character cards' we used today.

Here are some examples of our work.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Monday 11th November

Kia Ora all


We are currently learning how to solve problems involving fractions. To help you help your child there is a new page to visit - MATHS - FRACTIONS. Go to this page to view videos of the strategies that are taught at year 3/4/5.

Here is a screenshot of what you will see. When you get to the page, click on the equation and a video tutorial will come up.

Today we had a Kauri assembly. At the assembly each class gave out an EXCELLENCE certificate to a student who has best demonstrated this quality over the last 2 weeks.

Our certificate went to the awesome NATASHA. Natasha was chosen because she excellence both in the classroom and out on the field. Natasha just gets on with her tasks, gives her best and is an excellent role model for how to get along and enjoy morning tea and lunch.

Well done, Natasha. We are very proud of you.

Athletics Champions

Room 5 is well known for their its sporting ability. Today at assembly a number of students from Room 5 received their FIRST PLACE certificates. Congratulations, team.

A special congratulations to MYA and LINDSAY who have made it through to the CANTERBURY Champs to be held in Ashburton in December.

Mathletics superstars

Congratulations to our wonderful mathematicians who earned over 1000 points last week. A special WAY TO GO to Jade who earned a GOLD.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Kapahaka performance at the Light Festival

Last Thursday the kapahaka performed at the Light Festival as Halswell Domain. Many Room 5 students are involved so we have put videos of their performance here for you to view.

E Rere Taku Manu                Click here to see the video

Whakataka Te Hau            Click here to see the video

He Honore                          Click here to see the video