Sunday, 24 August 2014

Room 5 Writer Series - recent authors

Summer and Matina


Midterm newsletter

Kia Ora all

Here is an electronic version of our mid term newsletter. A paper copy will come home Monday.

midterm 3 newsletter 2014

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

We have started a new writing unit on DESCRIPTIVE writing. Today we looked at a picture of some fireworks and brainstormed all the words we could to describe what we could see, feel, hear, smell and taste. We will share our writing soon.

Fizzy            Amazing         Colourful
Sparklers      Guy Fawks     Booming
Sprinkling    Crashing        Buzzy Bee fireworks
Blows up in an 'M' shape    Up in the sky
Sparks come out                 Loud
Cool             Awesome         Super
Powerful      Bright              Monstrous
Enormous    Fizzling           Sizzle
Explosion    Epic                 Boom
Waving around    Erupting    Magical
Shooting     Loudly     Fire

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Room 5 Writer Series

Kia Ora all

Each day now we have a guest writer who shares a piece of writing of which they are proud. It is called the 'Room 5 Writer Series'.

Our first two guest authors were Noah and Georgia. They each read their writing to the class. Noah's was about his upcoming trip to the Gold Coast, and Georgia's was a fictional piece of writing entitled ' Sushi the Lost Kitten'.

Here is a picture of each writer. We will endeavour to publish their writing on the blog.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Paragraph writing

Kia Ora all

This term we are focusing on organising our writing into paragraphs.

On Monday and Tuesday we looked at what a paragraph is and what is needed. You can view our guide sheet here.

Forming a paragraph
Today (Wednesday) we gave it a go by ourselves using 3 funny animal pictures. Here are the pictures. Tomorrow and Friday we will share our writing.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Look out for the Ua Whatu!!!

Wow! The bell went. Everything was fine...then...CRASH, BOOM, BANG we were attacked by Ua Whatu.

rattling, awesome, hurting, painful, hard, powerful, FUN, sore, tapping on the ground, crash! fast, ua whatu, stormy, Boom! Bang! ice storm, in shock, disgusting, white, round, I hated it, snow like, bad, horrible, terrifying, intense, snow white, scary, interesting, freaked out, tough, terrible, dangerous, tiny, wet, cold, freezing, soaking, hurtful, power, painless, exceptional terrible, a sign of snow, dark,

We ran for the door to get inside.

Zoe, Georgia, Summer, Joel and Kynan had to run from the back of the field, the back left corner, with her eyes closed.

Bonnie and Matina got hit on the head and Bonnie ran into a bush and Matina ran into a pole.

Andrei was stuck out on the field and had to make a dash for the Room.

Tyzell decided to try and catch the hail by standing outside, just like he was doing at cricket today.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Rahina tekau ma tahi Here turi koka

Kia Ora all

Today we did some activities to help us learn about the prefix, mis-

'Mis-' means 'badly' or 'wrong' - so misbehave means to behave badly

This morning we did a matching exercise, a crossword and a word find. Here we are working together to complete the task.




Maths Week

This week is MATHS WEEK (August 11th-15th)
Students are able to try out a range of math challenges at the maths week website.

Today we paired up and had a go at the different activities. Here we are in action.




Thursday, 7 August 2014

Planning for our Commonwealth Games event

Kia Ora all

Today we worked together to plan the events for our Commonwealth Games that we will be holding at school on the 21st of August.

We talked about what events we could organise. They had to be related to the Commonwealth Games, so 3-legged race was in, and force back was out.

We went to the PE shed and got all the gear that we thought we would need, went out to the field and planned out our events.

There are a couple of obstacle courses, a tug-o-war, javelin throw, sack race, blindfold middle distance race (with a partner), a sprint event and netball.

We talked together after about the things that went well, any problems we encountered, and what we will be doing for our next event planning session.

Here are some photos of us in action.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Monday 4th August

Kia Ora all

Today we started our Te Reo unit on the weather: Te Huarere

We got together in the hall with Matua Rihari and practised the correct pronunciation of words such as hau (wind), hukarere (snow), kapua (cloud), ua (rain). We then played bingo which involved matching the picture with the Maori word.


Last week we focused our personal best (PB) on doubles skipping. This week we are doing basketball dribbles laps. Students will practise during the week and we will try and get a PB this Friday.

Congratulations to:

Thorvin on receiving the Mathletics trophy for achieving a silver certificate, and


Liam on receiving the Room 5 EXCELLENCE certificate today for being an amazing ROLE MODEL.


Friday, 1 August 2014

GETWISE - All about money

Today we joined Room 6 for our GETWISE session with Michelle from ASB Bank.

These are some of the things we learned:
[1] Keep your money safe by putting it in a bank - Noah
[2] Don't spend all your money at once - Bonnie
[3] If you put your money in a bank, you get a little bit extra each year - Joel
[4] "Spend some on you and save some too" - Matina
[5] Don't put your money under the mattress - Kynan
[6] Don't just go to one shop, shop around - Isabelle
[7] Don't put your money in your undie's draw - Logan
[8] Your money is safest in the bank because it won't get stolen - Georgia
[9] Money used to be real gold, silver and bronze - but was too heavy and you would split your pants - Ashton
[10] We learned a rap song - " When I say shop, you say, around; Shop, around, shop, around. When I say up, you say down, up, down, up, down" - Crystal
[11] Look around the shops. Don't just go and buy from the first shop. You don't have to buy everything from the one shop. Shop around - Summer