Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Tuesday 28th May

Kia Ora all

Today we managed to get a small amount of snow falling outside. It sure has been a cold day. Maybe it will be snowing tomorrow...

READING - Summarising texts

Our main reading focus this term is the key skill of summarising texts in different ways. This might involve researching information about an animal, and summarising this information by writing your own information report. It might involve summarising a text by producing a poster to show the main points / facts.

 It also means the ability to read / or listen to a reading and summarise what was read / heard by verbally retelling the key / important information.
And this is what we did today.

We listened to a reading about baby orangatans who were rescued and taken to a safe place. Below is the text.

We then got into pairs and took turns summarising the key points from the text. The first speaker had 30 seconds, the second speaker had 20 seconds, and then the first speaker had only 10 seconds. 
We talked about the skill is not to speak faster, rather to just recall the IMPORTANT (KEY). information.

Scott pointed out the summarise sounds alot like samurai, so we decided that each time we do the 30,20,10 activity, we will select a 'Samarai Sumariser' - the one who gives the best summary.

Today's winner was Ashton who gave a clear, controlled summary. a special mention to Alissa who did a great job of summarising in her own words.

Maddison, Fonterra and Milk 

Today Maddison joined a group of other students as Fonterra launched the Milk in Schools programme. She did may exciting things and shared some of these with us during oral language. Below is a picture of Maddison and some of the goodies she received. Mr Forman even scored a milk container to go with his chocolate cookies. Tomorrow Maddison will add some comments.

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